Coffee Anyone?

Okay, I have an amazing story to tell you about a person becoming freed from strongholds in the middle of Starbucks. I won’t tell you when this happened or who it happened with because they want to remain anonymous, but I asked if I could share it “generally” because it’s so powerful, and who DOESN’T want a powerful testimony, so here we go! Continue reading

“Which God”

A little while ago, I saw a post about writing a song from an unbeliever’s heart. Well, yesterday, while I was driving, God poured one out through me. I didn’t record it, and it had me in tears. I don’t think this is “exactly” it, but it’s pretty darn close.

This song starts in exhaustion, escalates to almost yelling, and ends in a crying whisper. It’s passionate. It’s from a desperate heart that’s been “searching” many places to find God but finally gives up, throws his hands in the air, falls to his knees and cries out for a true answer.

This song is a cry from that heart. Continue reading