“The After Life”

those who pass away
live on in your heart
and cross your mind
every day

when I make coffee
I think about Lee
when I snap my fingers
I think about Rob
when I iron
I think about Lee
when I see the bay
I think about Rob

multiple times
every day
they cross my mind
as if they’re walking around up there

A Community Refugee

Every community has different groups of people, and some of these groups of people form their own community. This morning, I’m going to share with you a little bit about the homeless community in Balboa Park.

As most of you know, I have a homeless friend named Lee, whom I met in the park in March of last year. In the time I’ve known him, he’s NEVER called me. Our friendship’s consisted of us spending time together, whenever I had the chance to stop by, and on many of those visits, I’d bring him home with me for days at a time. Well, some have been watching. Continue reading

Enabling: give someone the authority or means to do something (allow, equip, empower, make able)

Okay, this post will make me cry. How do I know? I’ve already started.

Some of you were blessed to meet Lee on Saturday. Some of you had no idea who he was. Well, Lee’s my homeless friend from Balboa Park.

Over a year ago, God led me to where Lee’d been staying in the park. We became friends, and as the Holy Spirit led, I’d visit Lee, and, eventually, invited him into my home (at times), so throughout the year, we’ve become even closer friends.

When he’d come over, he’d shower (forever); I’d wash his clothes, and he’d eat and rest for his next bout outside. After he heard I was moving to Texas, he began to stay for longer visits.

Since February, he’s stayed with us three times, and two of those times were for over a week. On April 14th, after being here the second time for a week, he spoke to me about a change he was going through. Continue reading