“Rear-view Mirror”

things I WON’T miss in Texas

my loud abusive neighbors
their dog
cost of living
paying rent
my loud abusive neighbors

I’ll miss Kyle
my time with ALL my kids
our game nights
the weather
people I’ve known
what my eyes are used to

I know we’ll make new memories
I know Kyle will visit
I know things will be amazing

don’t make this more than
it is
a poem

How Do You Wrap Laughter?

I haven’t been writing very much because they’re so much to do before I leave for Texas, so God gets the goodness of all the writing I “think” about, except for now.

I know there was a lot of thankfulness going around on Mother’s Day, and I just want to share a little bit of mine.

What I always “love” to do on that day is see a sunset with my kids, but the weather was so overcast and cold that we decided not to this time and stayed home. Continue reading


I’m tired
this might be a vent
disguised as a poem
or it might be a poem
disguised as a vent

have you ever gone
into a restaurant
and asked your server
to take a pay cut
so your meal’d be cheaper?

have you ever gone
into a clothing store
and asked the cashier
to take a pay cut
so your clothes would be cheaper?

I’m not sure if labor is understood
when people ask me
for “a deal”
they’re asking me
to take a pay cut

I never try to buy something
unless I have the money to buy it
I worked so hard today
but if I calculated what my time was worth
I might be disappointed

this might be a vent
disguised as a poem
or it might be a poem
disguised as a vent

either way
it’s what poured out

“Straight Up”

[written on 5/8/16]

sometimes people say
they’re going through a process
to justify their behavior
that doesn’t resemble Christ

sometimes people hold on
to their bad habits
to balance them
as if Jesus wasn’t enough

sometimes people water down
the Truth
so what they’re doing
looks good in Him

I’ve been ALL these people
blinded in the church

if you take offense
that’s YOUR choice
this doesn’t speak of all
just some

I’m no longer a “weak” believer

I no longer sing ‘when I fall’
but ‘if’

I no longer sing ‘bound to sin’
I’ve been freed

I no longer sing ‘when I’m dry’
living waters flow through me

I no longer say ‘I’ll never be perfect’
because Jesus tells me to be
so I grow

hearing leads to listening
listening leads to believing
believing leads to following
following leads to becoming
becoming is freedom